Hi Everyone!
We haven't made a blog post in a very long while simply because that's not among the priorities we've set for ourself in the recent past. However, certain changes in the reality of our business such as the increasing costs of doing business makes it compelling for us to communicate more to those who may be curious to know why we do what we do, such as deciding to charge a flat-rate fee ($4.20) for shipping.
That said, as most can already sense, inflation in our economy has affected costs in almost every realm of our daily lives such as food, clothing, gas, real estate, etc. This is unfortunate because jobs in America has been quite fickle this past couple of years as the labor market are starting to be more conscious about the type of jobs they're willing to take on. To us, that's neither a good nor bad thing but what we know as a result is that 1.) it's harder to find a stable work force and 2.) wages aren't increasing anywhere close to the level of inflation.
Despite this unpleasant outcome from the Government's response to Covid-19 with all of its spending, we're confident that things will stabilize in America as it always seem to over the years that we experience lows as a nation. Unfortunately however, to curb the effects of inflation in an effort to keep ourselves in business to continue servicing our hemp & health-oriented customers, we've decided to move from a free-shipping model to a flat-rate shipping model. Despite no longer being free, this method is still lower than the actual cost of shipping, especially when you purchase more as $4.20 is your flat-rate cost of *shipping, regardless of how much you purchase. *This only applies to domestic shipping
With this news, we thank you for your support of our decision as well as for having supported us through the years so that we may continue to keep some of your favorite products available in the marketplace.
As always, thank you for doing you!
<3britt & daniel
@ilovebad organics, b.a.d. = bridging all differences.